Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I am once again befuddled by our topsy-turvy popular culture. Jimmy Kimmel sheds an on-air tear because a lion I never heard of was shot and killed by a bow and arrow and the nimrod who took this hunting trophy is now receiving death threats ... see: Hollywood Reporter Story. Yet ISIS, Boko Haram and other radicalized Muslim organizations are enslaving and brutally murdering thousands of innocent humans each week and the national media (including Jimmy Kimmel) has devolved into a ho-hum mindset ... see: Question.

Not that I don't care about this particular lord of the jungle's demise ... but, come on people, there are clearly priorities in how seriously we should lament over world events ... and, as noble Cecil the Lion was, his death is still way down my list of caring priorities.

Afterward: I have also noticed that other bloggers and talk show hosts are contrasting this lion's killing with the main-stream media indifference shown to the numerous murders inside the United States committed by illegal immigrants ... or any of the myriad of innocent lives terminated by Planned Parenthood in the process of harvesting their tiny organs.

1 comment:

  1. “I like flowers, I also like children, but I do not chop their heads off and keep them in bowls of water around the house.”
