Friday, July 03, 2015

Social Media

For whatever reason I have been somewhat averse to most social media ... in particular Facebook and Twitter. Now it is becoming very apparent that these new media are being used to recruit terrorists around the world, coordinate terrorist attacks and synchronize terrorism planning. In fact it has just been revealed that over 10,000 Twitter tweets are sent out to the world each day by ISIS. And I am quite sure that many of the other social media outlets are being likewise abused by terrorists.

Yes, this is the dark side of these Internet bugaboos ... to be balanced against all the societal good that they perform ... posting 142 pictures of your newborn grandchild, writing a review of your latest family visit to McDonald's, discussing the pros and cons of touring Greece during its financial crisis, lamenting the family pet that you just put down, sexting, rounding up your friends to attend a Bernie Sanders campaign rally, and complaining about how you were treated on your latest airline flight. All very interesting stuff ... and well worth the terrorism downsides that these social-media sites also engender.

So, may I suggest that you invest your last dollar in these social media software companies ... they are bound to make you a fortune ... if you can live to enjoy it.

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