Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Choice Cuts

Planned Parenthood is showing itself to be a despicable organization ... claiming that they are in the business of providing "women's health" when it really is primarily in the abortion business ... providing over 300,000 of these taxpayer-funded "procedures" a year ... see: Whipping Our Teens into Shape. Not only does it kill these often fully-formed fetuses, but it also now sells the body parts of these fresh corpses for big money.... an illegal business. This is gut-churning reprehensible behavior  ... see: CNN Appology Video and Breitbart Video.

The abortion trade has hidden behind the euphemism of a "choice" for women ... a choice between being "punished with a baby" (President Obama's words) and fulfilling what women's bodies where designed by evolution to accomplish. Now, due to Margaret Sanger's vision for a purer race ... combined with the insidious loopiness of the 1960's radical feminist movement ... vowing to deny a woman's biology, we now have an epidemic of infanticide ... which has further devolved into cutting up the fetal-tissue results of this grisly process in order to sell these tiny organs to get enough pelf to buy an abortion doctor her new Lamborghini.

How very like what we fought against in World War II.

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