Friday, June 26, 2015

Obama Fatigue

I am in a bit of a funk over the Obama administration's two recent victories ... obtaining fast track trade authority from the Senate (the precursor to greater power for it to pursue its world government agenda) and its SCOTUS victory permitting Obamacare subsidies for states not providing health-care exchanges. This fatigue is exacerbated by the vindictive war on our South by this administration and the national media.

President Obama obviously has a great many scalps hanging from his belt ... particularly considering his obvious incompetence and indifference to popular opinion. He has lived a bit of a charmed life ... hopping from ice floe to ice floe ahead of the pursuing racist hounds (yes, Sheldon, this is sarcasm.)

To add to my ennui, the Supreme Court has just legalized same-sex marriage. Once again I am on the wrong side of history. I guess the millennials (that group who can't name our vice president) now totally rule.

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