Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawling-Blake, and the state's attorney there, Marilyn J. Mosby, have taken sides ... and they are standing with the thugs. The mayor  told the police to stand down, and let the looters and arsonists have their head when Freddie Gray died under suspicious circumstances after a ride in a police van. The state's attorney has brought charges and achieved a grand jury indictment against six police officers, three black and three white, involved in this case. And both these city executives have made inflammatory political statement clearly indicating that they are not pro-police. The simple logic then dictates that they are on the side of the thugs in their bailiwick.

What is the consequence of this tilt to the dark side? Well of course Baltimore thugs believe that they can now "do their thing" ... and the cops see that they should, for the sake of their careers and lives,  relax their grip on street crime there.  The natural result is that the thugs are having a heyday ... producing the deadliest month there in sixteen years ... see: CBS Baltimore Coverage. In the yin and yang, back and forth of human existence, Baltimore is now experiencing a yin moment ... counterbalancing what was thought to be too much police yang.

Since they are elected officials, the bubble-headed mayor and state's attorney there are playing to whom they think are their constituents. This is clearly misguided. I suspect that they will learn the cold hard truth in the next elections. If they don't, then God help Baltimore.

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