Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Snub Hub

The leaders of four Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, have snubbed President Obama's Mideast summit at Camp David tomorrow ... instead sending ministerial-level representatives ... see: BBC Story. Other than Saudi Arabia, the leaders of Bahrain, Oman, and the UAE will not be there. Only the leaders of Kuwait and Qatar will be attending.

The surmised reasons for these snubs has been that these countries disapprove of President Obama's dealings in his nuclear talks with Iran and his lack of follow-through in his missile-strike threat to Syria in 2013.

However, there might be two other possible motivations for these snubs:

1) These oil-rich countries may be doing an end-zone victory dance after effectively crippling the oil shale industry in the United States ... see: CNBC Story.

2) There might be considerable resentment among some of these players about not getting their money's worth with their hefty donations to the Clinton Foundation,

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