Friday, May 08, 2015


A sailboat … a leaky old tub of a sailboat … tacking back and forth across the political landscape trying to catch every wisp of a wind change … that is the Clinton strategy for their 2016 presidential bid. I say “their,” for it is as much Bill Clinton’s ambition to return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as it is his wife’s, Hillary’s.

The Clinton’s don’t seem to have any base set of values … at least not that benefit anyone other than themselves first. Hillary’s morality is a tabula rasa, a blank slate which can be erased and rewritten at the drop of a opinion panel’s result. Recently she has swung far to the left of even President Obama on her immigration policy … saying that she would not just grant amnesty, but a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants … see: New York Times Story. (She is also trying to box out her potential contender, Elizabeth Warren, by being the greater populist.) However, in 2003, Hillary was adamantly opposed to any quarter being given to this very same immigrant group … see: Fox News Audio.

This strategy only works of course if Hillary can keep the knowing press at bay. So she holds photo ops with high school students who won’t ask any tough questions. She has her posse check the liberal bona fides of anyone who will come within earshot of her high-ass. She seems to be in the news daily, but she is really in a cocoon of limited access … dribbling out prepared statements as though she really believes in what she is pronouncing. Her hanger-ons (barnacles if you will) also prepare push-poll results that show her popularity increasing despite the stinky miasma of scandal that constantly surrounds her.

I can’t express how depressing her whole sordid campaign is. My only hope is that her creaky scow of a boat springs a gigantic leak that can’t be plugged with all that Clinton Foundation cash.

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