Monday, May 25, 2015

International Commuters

"Illegal immigrants" ... taboo, change the term  to "undocumented workers" ... oops, change it again to "dreamers" ... oops, now the ACLU has mandated that this same group be called "international commuters" ... see: Breitbart Story. International commuters! Are these people going back and forth across our borders on a regular basis? I doubt it. I suspect that most of these international commuters' return trips are paid for by the Border Patrol.

More and more such weasel words are being used to try to change the public perception of issues. "Global warming" has morphed into "climate change" which is now being dubbed "environmental sustainability" ... see: National Science Foundation Piece. Who can argue with sustaining the environment? Don't fall into such a man trap! If you do, then the real rub becomes how these language manipulators insist that such environmental sustaining be accomplished ... sequester CO2, the source of all life. Once you buy the premise, then you must also buy the fatal consequences.

I've written before about such newspeak ... see: Groupthink and New Newspeak and U-Turn and Job Lock and More Newspeak. George Orwell (and myself) were trying to warn you against such forked-tongued political language manipulators. Clearly those that control the vernacular, control the minds of the masses. We can view this as semantic silliness ... but it is also extremely dangerous.

Can we turn the tables on those who wish to corrupt our language ... and call them "sons of tyranny?"

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