Monday, May 04, 2015

First Amendment Debate

Pamela Geller, of the Atlas Shrugs blog (which I often read and sometimes cite), engaged in a very lively and edifying debate with a CNN news anchor, Alisyn Camerota, today about the attack that took place in Garland, Texas yesterday at a free-speech event Geller sponsored in which cartoons of Mohammad were displayed ... and where two attacking gunmen were killed ... see: CNN Video. The back and forth in this video I think is well worth watching through to the end since it draws a sharp contrast between the current liberal notion of free speech and that which was expressed by our founding fathers in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In her comments, Ms. Geller repeatedly makes the clear point that she is not anti-Muslim, but she is very much anti-jihadist ... and to assume that all Muslims are jihadists is the true anti-Muslim stance. Not only did Ms. Camerota find this distinction difficult to adsorb, but following this interview, CNN then had on a spokeswoman from the uber-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center who, without blinking, said that Pamela Geller was an "extremist" and does NOT make the distinction between ordinary Muslims and radical Muslims. Apparently she either was not privy to the debate that took place immediately preceding hers. Or, if she did, her ears were so full of "progressive" wax, that she would not acknowledge Ms. Geller's claim.

As a side note, one second-amendment wag has pointed out the difference between the Jihadist attack in Paris were guns are taboo and a similar attack in Texas ... which arms its constabulary.

Afterward: Here is a video of the SPLC spox attacking Ms. Geller ... see: Breitbart Video.

After Afterward: Here is Greg Gutfeld's always-insightful take on this controversy ... see: Breitbart Piece.

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