Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Skirmish on Women

Carly Fiorina is making noises like she is going to run for president under the Republican banner. She has been taking pot shots at Hillary Clinton for her lack of accomplishment as Secretary of State. In many ways this is easier for her to do than any male Republican since Hillary plays the victim with Oscar-winning aplomb.

In retaliation, the Clinton campaign has put out talking points questioning Ms. Fiorina's metrics as a politician and when she was the CEO of Heweitt Packard from 1999  through 2005 ... see: Real Clear Politics Video? Every time I have seen Ms. Fiorina interviewed on television (even on Fox), she has had to answer attacks along this same set of tracks.

One question ... are the Democrats now indulging in a war ... or even just a skirmish ... on women?

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