Saturday, April 11, 2015

Plastic Surgery

Chelsea Clinton has made the big time ... as she is now on the cover of Elle magazine ... see: Elle Magazine Story. Not only is this write-up an obvious puff piece ... trying to prepare her for some future political role for which her parents have ambitions ... but, to me, it sure looks like Bill and Hillary's daughter is more attractive than she has been in previous pics. Is this a bit of Photoshopping on Elle's part ... or has Chelsea had a few sessions with a plastic surgeon?

Which brings me to the real reason for this blog posting ... nothing is really what it is made to appear anymore. Almost everything is being media manipulated to look like something it really ain't. Viz:

- Senator Harry Reid's story about his facial injuries clearly does not fit the facts.

- The framework of an Iranian nuclear agreement is mostly smoke and mirrors ... as each side of this faux pact is describing it with totally different codicils.

- The brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's destroyed e-mails seems to have media partisans painting two entirely different landscapes.

- Senator Robert Menendez's corruption indictment is possibly justified ... but smells of the political swamp that is Washington.

- The Clinton Foundation is slowly being revealed as a ersatz eleemosynary institution created as a front for a Clinton super-PAC collecting illegal foreign money with the implicit promise of future influence in the White House.

- Even Olympic decathlon champion, Bruce Jenner, is slowly morphing into a woman ... an ugly one at that ... with the help of the nip and tuckers.

And there are many more examples than I can possibly mention here. Why has the American public gotten so jaundiced to these make-overs? Has television fakery, computer games, and movie special effects so blurred the line between reality and fantasy that standards of truth have totally disappeared?

To this blogger, it appears so ...

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