Thursday, April 02, 2015

Humble Pie

The P5 +1 Iran nuclear-reduction talks in Lausanne, Switzerland have taken on the tone of an Indiana state legislative cave-in as all the other players have left this swank venue except Iran, England and John Kerry searching the distant horizon and crooning "Chloe" ... see: Breitbart Article. It must be quite lonely at that big conference table without those other negotiators ... Iran smiling slyly ... and the other two ... scowling behind spread-palm face-covers. But there is some solace ... it just means there is more Beluga caviar and Dom Perignon for the remaining three.

But how much humble pie can "Christmas in Cambodia" Kerry also eat before he understands how he is sullying himself and his country? I do suppose that he is on a short leash from his links-obsessed boss who never seems to feel any pressure for his screw-ups ... just as long as he can off-load them on dweebs such as Hanoi John.

Or blame the Republicans and George Bush ...

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