Friday, April 24, 2015

Hit Pieces

First the New York Times ... see: New York Times Story, then the New York Magazine ... see: New York Magazine ... have written hit pieces on the Clinton's ... with the obvious intent of submarining Hillary's chances of being the Democrat candidate for president in 2016. There can be only a few motivations for such chicanery; either they are concerned that Hillary has so much smelly baggage that will come out during the actual campaign and cause a Republican to win the White House ... or they (read the Obama administration) would prefer a different candidate heading up the Democrat ticket ... say Elizabeth Warren. There is actually a third, far less likely motivation ... and that is to air these scandals early enough so that, come next year, they can be called "old news," But the current coverage is so vitriolic that this option seems far fetched.

If this controlling Democrat inner-circle gets its way and Elizabeth Warren eventually gets the nod, will they then be able to cover up her scandals too? Or perhaps the Clinton campaign might beat them to the punch?

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