Monday, April 13, 2015


"Whatcha goina do when they come for you?"

In the past, I have watched many episodes of "Cops" on reality television and realize the stress and dangers faced by our police every day. Just so far this year at least 36 cops have died in the line of duty ... see: Officer Down Memorial Page.

The police are like any other segment of society ... full of heroes and knaves. Obviously that North Charleston cop is a knave and deserves the full weight of the his punishment. That Ferguson cop was characterized as a knave by a bunch of knaves. And I'm a little conflicted by those Staten Island constabularies. They clearly used far too much force for such a petty crime. However, I suspect that Eric Garner was also probably too fragile health-wise to be in such a tussle.

The obvious lesson to be drawn from all this cop-baiting rhetoric is that, if a law-enforcement officer asks you to comply with an order ... even if he is wrong ... do it. If you chose not to comply, you really are playing with fire. There are numerous remedies to be invoked later on if your rights have been abused.

Just call Al Sharpton, Bill de Blasio or Eric Holder.

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