Friday, April 17, 2015


Amazon Warrior

That truth-teller nonpareil, Harry Reid, recently claimed that women are more patient and less inclined to wage war than men ... see: Breitbart Video. Is he trying to give Hillary Clinton's sagging campaign a boost?

Let me see ... there actually have been very few recent prominent female heads of state ... Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher come immediately to mind. Have they been doves?

A short series of Google searches yields:

Golda Meir -- server as Prime Minister during Israel's Yom Kippur war

Margaret Thatcher -- served as Great Britain's Prime Minister during the Falkland Islands war with Argentina

Indira Gandhi - as Prime Minister of India, started the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971

And weren't all those infamous ancient warriors, the Amazons, women?

And a rubber exercise band snappied causing Reid's extensive facial and body injuries too ...

Afterward: I forgot Angela Merkel of Germany ... so far, she is holding up Harry's hypothesis ... to Putin's eternal pleasure.

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