Monday, March 30, 2015

The Kennedy Insultitute

This weekend the dedication for the $79 million Edward M. Kennedy Institute ... which is an insult to anyone who knows anything about this reprobate's life ... was held in Boston to honor Ted Kennedy, the deceased Massachusetts senator and political heavyweight. In attendance were many old-boy politicos of both parties including Trent Lott, President Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden and Tom Daschle ... many speaking  lovingly of this pride of Massachusetts ... see: Fox News Story. This Instultitute is primarily a museum meant to honor Senator Kennedy and to educate the public on the workings of government. It was built next to the presidential library of his brother, John F. Kennedy using both public funds ($43 million) and private donations ($36 million) ... although it had been promised to be totally privately funded ... see: Boston Globe Story

It has many exhibits ... one detailing Teddy's cheating prowess at Harvard for which he was eventually expelled, another is the now rusty Oldsmobile Delmont  fished from the Chappaquiddick waters in which Mary Joe Kopechne gave her life as a tribute to Teddy's aquatic heroism, another the neck brace that Teddy wore to help convince the Cape Cod grand jury that he should not be indicted for manslaughter, another is a glowing testament to Teddy ... signed by the millions of illegal aliens who were made legal in the bill he elbowed through Congress in 1986 as the final solution for the United States' illegal immigration problem, another a huge bottle of Chevas Regal Scotch containing Kennedy's pickled brain as a tribute to his lifetime of pickling his brain with this same liquid, another is a Madam Tussuad's mock up of the "waitress sandwich" that Teddy and Senator Christopher Dodd made of a female server at the D.C. La Brasserie restaurant back in 1985 ... and many many more lowlights of this man's life.

For expansion info on these sterling exhibits, read Howie Carr's quick reprise of the "Lyin' of the Senate"'s checkered life ... see: Boston Herald Article.

Afterward: Howie Carr's article has been archived ... here's a better reference: Forbes Piece.

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