Jerry Brown is an oil hypocrite in that much of his family wealth comes from the oil industry ... see: Breitbart Story. And he is not the only one ... can we recall the source of much of Al Gore seed money? Why it was Occidental Petroleum run by that closet Communist Armand Hammer ... arm and hammer ... get it? ... remember the logo of the USSR? As Al Gore was leaving office as Slick Willie's Veep, he pulled a political fast one ... he acquired for a pittance all the oil in the US Elk Hill Naval Oil Reserve in California which he passed on to Occidental of which he was a large stock holder. Are we surprised that a rabid ranter against fossil fuels was also sucking off of this same teat? See the details here: Time Magazine Story.
I think I'll stick my finger down my throat ...
Please do not get into self-applied gastro-intestinal actions. Faux news dwells on their remedies. The MSM still pitches Aleve and boner pills. Annoying in a more compelling way.