Saturday, March 28, 2015

Missing Megabytes

President Nixon's personal secretary, Rosemary Woods, had nothing on Hillary Clinton. According to Hillary's lawyers, all the e-mails that had once resided on Hillary's  personal Chappaqua e-mail server have been "disappeared" ... only this time it was not an "accidental" erasure of the 18 1/2 minute gap of Nixon's Oval Office tapes like in Ms. Wood's case. This critical evidence in the Benghazi investigation has been purposely destroyed so that however dirty Queen Hillary's hands may have been, they now are squeaky clean ... see: New York Times Article.

I have no way of knowing how many of Hillary's critical missive had been destroyed, but I strongly suspect that the actual information content was hundreds, if not thousands of times larger than that which occurred in the Watergate cover-up ... certainly megabytes of digital data rather than a few kilobytes of equivalent analog data in the Nixon case. This evidence destruction has taken place despite the fact that it had been long ago subpoenaed by a duly-empaneled Congressional committee. If this is not a criminal action on Hillary's and her posse's part, I have no notion of jurisprudence.

Where's the equivalent outrage?

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