Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Goodbye ...

to the Internet Explorer. Microsoft has decided to phase out this Internet browser in favor of a newer technology, "Project Spartan" ... see: PC Magazine Story. This browser once held north of a 80% market share, but upstarts have been quietly eroding this monopoly over the last so many years until the boys at Redmond had to take this technology out behind the shed and shoot it.

This blog you are reading had 4031 hits over the last month and here is the breakdown of what browsers were used to reference it: Firefox - 46%, Chrome - 31%, Safari - 9%, Explorer - 7%, the rest - 7%.  Now we can see why Microsoft is making this move. As Dean Wormer said in Animal House, "Fat, happy (actually drunk) and stupid is not a way to go through life."

So, as it turns out, Microsoft has been forced to face its past lassitude and will try to use the leverage of its other monopolies to once again crush its competitors.

We'll see.

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