Monday, February 23, 2015


The Diplomad, who has spent considerable time acting as our official representative in Muslim countries and can offer an unique perspective on same, has just written in his blog a reprise of our president's background ... investigating why Obama may have deep sympathies for the Muslim religion ... and thus be somewhat paralyzed to address its more violent tendencies ... see: Obama, a Muslim Hater of America?. Obama has even slipped into saying that he was a Muslim ... see: First Bing Video ... and has often extolled this faith to great lengths ... see: Second Bing Videos ... far further than his somewhat less enthusiastic treatment of Christianity (remember his National Prayer Breakfast slights?)

But what the Diplomad has left out of this tracing of Obama's roots is his possible relation with Bill Ayers' father, Thomas Ayers. Admittedly this relationship is somewhat fuzzy and speculative but it is worth a gander and some further study ... see: WND Article ... perhaps we'll see more in history books yet to be written. Also let us not forget that Obama's half brother, Malik Obama, is the international finance officer for the Muslim Brotherhood ... see: WND Article.

But there has to be some reason why our president is unable to separate the wheat from the chaff in the Islamic faith ... and this may well be the imprinting from his childhood ... augmented by the warped view, learned on his mother's knee, of the sins of the country he now leads.


  1. Good to know that yellow journalism is alive and thriving in the blogosphere. Full of speculations and fuzziness, yet confident in the presumed guilt of the accused. Not one factual point made in either the above or in the Diplomad's screed. Most compelling reason: "Some of that had to stick." You're better than that.
