Friday, February 27, 2015

Camel's Nose

The FCC did in fact vote yesterday 3-2 to adopt its 332 page still-secret net neutrality guidelines ... supposedly justified by Title II of the 1934 Communications Act ... see: Christian Sciemce Monitor Story and my previous post: Net Neutrality. Clearly this is the camel's nose under the tent ... with the rest of the smelly body of our overbearing government soon to follow ... with multitudes of regulations, restrictions and taxes.

Verizon Communications responded to this onerous development unfavorably and symbolically ... by sending its objections to this ruling in Morse code.

Afterward: See also: Breitbart Story.


  1. I'm more wary of Greedy Capitalists strangling my access to free internet than I am of bloated and inefficient government overreach.

    1. Sounds like you got your talking points for the day ...
