Friday, January 23, 2015

The Cult

An MIT professor emeritus of meteorology, Richard Lindzen, who apparently isn't one of the 97%, has called climate alarmists a "cult." He says that, as evidence keeps mounting that global warming is nonexistent, "they get more and more fanatical." Read how one real scientist deals with these global-warming loonies here: Breitbart Article ... and how he deals with 2014 being the hottest year on record.

(One wag recently commented that 97% of scientists can't agree on anything.)

Afterward: The author of this article, Howie Carr, hosts a radio talk show here in Boston on which he occasionally offers to sell "Honest Howie's Carbon Credits." I wonder if the owners of any of the 1,700 private jets that flew to Davos, Switzerland this week will buy such credits? They are there to attend a conference at which one of the topics of discussion is ... you guessed it ... global warming.

After Afterward: See also: Breitbart Article.

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