Thursday, January 15, 2015

Religious Pluralism

China, it seems, has taken a pragmatic approach to radical Islamic terrorism. In China's Xinjiang region, it has banned all Muslims with full beards or wearing "hijabs, niqabs, burkas or clothing with the Islamic star or crescent" from traveling on public transportation ... see: Breitbart Article. The Uyghurs there are the mostly Muslim residents who have been causing a bit of mayhem ... but it appears not nearly as much as has been experienced elsewhere in the world. Nonetheless these Chinese radicals are now getting it as good as they have given.

As this Muslim zealotry metastacizes throughout the world, more countries may have to be as realistically repressive as China. I do sense that Europe is finally waking up to the severity of this jihad threat. Hindus have also fought long and bloody battles with Muslims after India achieved its independence from Great Britain. And Russia has been brutally combating these uprisings in its Muslim provinces for some time now.

And I suspect that eventually, whenever this radical Muslim threat hopefully subsides, most of these peoples will have some pangs of remorse for such measures ... a tale oft repeated in the past.

But in the meantime, true to form, the United States is once again leading from our president's behind on the issue of the Muslim fundamentalist threat. Will we need eventually to follow suit? My guess is that we will be forced to ... out of desperation ... but not for a few more years

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