Saturday, January 03, 2015


Every year a group of our friends get together to celebrate New Year's Eve. One tradition is for us to make predictions for the ensuing year and then, come the next New Year's Eve, prizes are given for the most prescience. Here are a few of this year’s more interesting predictions:
• New vaccine to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease
• Prince and Elton John appear together on tour      
Amazon takes over US Postal Service
Drop in oil price puts kibosh on XL Pipeline
President Obama’s approval rating reaches 58% 
• Republicans will lose two more House members due to misbehavior
• Superbowl will be lowest scoring game in history
• Google will buy Netflix      
• Greece will be asked to leave the European Union
Joe Biden is not VP at the end of 2015
Cosmic pulse disrupts communications for days
Deval Patrick appointed judge of a high court or ambassador
Hillary urged to drop out in favor of Elizabeth Warren
Lost Malaysian jet debris discovered in unexpected location
• Joyce Carol Oates will win Noble Prize in literature
• Putin removed from office as Russian economy tanks
 • RIP – George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter
• George Clooney and wife separate
• Miley Cyrus marries Patrick Schwarzenegger
• Patriots win Super Bowl
• Iran acquires atomic weaponry
• Stock Market will correct by at least 10%
• Eddie Redmayne wins Best Actor for “Theory of Everything”
• “Selma” wins Best Picture
• Major LA earthquake … extensive damage
• Latin America pushes Middle East off of 24/7 news casting    
• Brazil will launch a satellite
• Sony Pictures will sell off its library of movies
• Apple stock soars 50%
• Keith Richards dies
• Aaron Hernandez found not guilty
• Marathon bomber – guilty but no death penalty
• “Boyhood” wins Best Picture
• Russia will default on its debts … again

Tune in this time next year for the results …


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    what came true from last year's predictions?

  2. Here are a few of the best ones from last year:
    - Sochi Olympic Games go forward without interruption or bloodshed
    - Republicans retake the Senate, gain in the House
    - Another baby for Will and Kate
    - NYC Mayor, Bill De Blasio’s first year is a disaster
    - More big government by Obama fiat
    - Scott Brown will run for the U.S. Senate for NH … and lose
