Friday, January 09, 2015

Global Smarming

IPCC Global Warming Model Projections vs. Actual Observations
John Hinderacker tosses a dart into the heart of the global warming cabal with his latest blog post on Powerline. In it he compares the actual global temperature track (from satellite data ... the most reliable data there is) from October, 1996 to present which shows absolutely no global warming for the last 18.25 years. In this blog post's conclusion he states:
Models that are invalidated by observation are worthless. There is no point trying to excuse their failure or make modest tweaks to keep the erroneous theories on which they are based alive. As a matter of science, anthropogenic global warming alarmism is finished. It survives, like a dead frog whose legs are still kicking, by virtue of countless billions of dollars in government funding. The warmists will keep up the charade as long as the money holds out.
Well said! Let us hope that the money dries up faster than the smarmists' tears of perfidy. To see Hinderacker's full riposte and the 18 years 3 months chart see: Powerline Blog.

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