Monday, December 22, 2014

Yankee Si, Cuba No

If you think I write diatribes on this blog, you ain’t seen nothing yet. President Obama’s “normalization” of relations with Cuba has stirred the juices of the Diplomad (W. Lewis Anselem) into writing two entries on his blog that not only take our president to task for his international policy blunderings toward our neighbor to the south, but also provides many interesting diplomatic insights regarding the Castro brothers and their evil, evil history. See: Castros Pull It Off Again and On Cuba. (The many comments are also worth the time to peruse.)

These first two installments from this seasoned, but retired U.S. diplomat are a little long, but should be read to gain a better perspective on what Obama is doing … or not doing. The Diplomad promises further writing on this subject which I will be sure to reconvey to you as they appear.

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