Monday, December 08, 2014


Now we learn that Mexico has stopped the flood of illegal minors from Central America somewhat before the past November's elections … see: Breitbart Article. This must mean that it purposely permitted the huge influx of this same group earlier this past summer. And the obvious question that this raises is, Why? Has the Mexican government been colluding with the Obama administration to try to influence the outcome of our elections … and earlier to grease the passage of an Obama immigration amnesty bill?

And was Mexico getting cold feet … which is why we were flying these illegals into Texas from Central America  … see: Forums Story?

It may take many years before we have definitive answers to these questions … but, seeing how, in the past, this administration has attempted illegal or immoral means to orchestrate things to satisfy its liberal agenda (remember Fast and Furious), I wouldn’t be half surprised that it had colluded with the Mexican poobahs in these matters. However, experiencing this kind of nasty and base corruption on the part of the Mexicans shocks … shocks me to the core!

I think that Charles Krauthammer keeps calling us a Banana Republic ... perhaps he is right?

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