Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Walter Mitty

Sometimes I like to slip into my Walter Mitty persona and imagine myself to be someone important … like a U.S. Senator sitting on the Judiciary Committee interviewing Loretta Lynch for her new position as Attorney General. My questioning might go something like this:

Me: Ms. Lynch, your predecessor, Eric Holder is your personal friend and confident and, I understand, he has sought your advice on many of his more controversial legal positions. Now I consider Mr. Holder to be the worst Attorney General since John Mitchell and he was the first Attorney General ever held in contempt of Congress. Because of this nexus, I would like to have you give us what you advised Mr. Holder on a number of his more contentious poses:

Me: Do you agree that we should be holding a trial for that enemy combatant, Abu Hamza al-Masn, in New York City, when, according to administrative precedent he should have been sent to Guantanamo?

Ms. Lynch: those noises that Charlie Brown’s teacher makes when talking to him.

Me: Would you have prosecuted those New Black Panthers for their intimidation activities at the Philadelphia polling places in 2008?

Ms. Lynch: a convoluted legal argument full of “whereas”s, “whatfor”s, and stare decisis

Me: Do you agree with the Attorney General that we are a nation of cowards for not discussing race relations more?

Ms. Lynch: yada, yada, yada

Me: Do you concur that Mr. Holder should have been held in contempt of Congress for withholding critical documents in the “Fast and Furious” scandal?

Ms. Lynch: Now you are asking me to violate the confidentiality between a client and his lawyer.

Me: Is President Obama within Constitutional bounds if he chooses to use an executive action to give green cards to millions of illegal immigrants?

Ms. Lynch: Senator Mitty, I think your questioning time has expired …

Pukata … pukata …

Afterward: For some more question topics see: ABC News Story.

After Afterward: More thoughts on this from the Powerline blog: Powerline Opinion.

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