Friday, November 21, 2014

The First Ukase

President Obama has just transformed America ... as he had promised. He has issued his first ukase*... and I wonder how many more will follow?

In truth, what Obama did last night was to throw a bone to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants. This may not be all bad … except for one major flaw … and that was the way he did it. With the back of his hand he has undone what the framers of the Constitution feared most … he has become all-powerful. The people’s representatives, Congress, have just been neutered to the point of irrelevance … for they have no options. If they pass an immigration reform bill to his liking in the next six months, they will be bending to his will. If they don’t, then his ukase stands unless and until the Supreme Court finds the gumption to strip him of this authority … which may take months if not years. In the meantime the damage done will be irreversible.

The most insidious part of this ukase is that it appears to give illegal immigrants a path to citizenship … but is gift-wrapped in quite a few more presidential lies. These lies are meant to sugar-coat this blatant usurpation of power with administrative niceties that we all know will never be implemented. They are:

-        Our border’s will be made more secure
-        These newly legalized illegal immigrants will not be allowed to vote
-        These newly legalized illegal immigrants will not be eligible for Obamacare and a myriad of other welfare benefits
-        These newly legalized illegal immigrants will have to pay back income taxes and continue to do so into the future
-        Illegal-immigrant criminals will be deported

These amnesty-mitigating lies are so obvious that they are laughable … probably the side-splitting tenor of the White House meetings in which they were inserted into the president’s speech. I wonder if Jonathan Gruber was somehow involved in constructing this ukase?

* “A ukase, in Imperial Russia, was a proclamation of the tsar, government, or a religious leader (patriarch) that had the force of law.


  1. A lot of Tea Party panties are in a twist today. Face it: Someone had to do it. Despite all your poo-pooing, it is really quite reasonable to let the good ones stay here, get an ID, work permit and pay taxes. The problem has always been enforcement of current law. No modern day administration from Regan until now has enforced immigration laws. At least Obama has been deporting the bad guys.

    1. The L.A. Times sees it differently ... see:

    2. And as for the actual "bad guys"' you might want to look at:
