Sunday, November 30, 2014
Roasted Chestnuts
One favored tactic of liberal commentators is to start a biased point with "Some will say" ... see: Powerline Blog Entry to see Chuck Todd use this time-worn deflection. This is whether or not "some" had ever said the attack words so attributed. I guess I'll ever wonder why the interrogatee doesn't call out the questioner for this deliberate ruse. Some other favorite chestnuts that are used to lend weight to ... or offload any blame for weak arguments are:
" I am told ..."
" I have it from a reliable source ..."
" I understand that some of your colleagues believe ..."
"Are you aware that ..."
"An anonymous source told me ..." (Reid on Romney's tax returns)
"The American people believe ..." (often used by Bill Clinton)
"Are you now willing to admit that ..."
I think listeners should be sensitive to such leaden lead-ins and discount what follows. Perhaps we can now roast these cheap chestnuts on an open fire?
And my favorite line from the English version of House of Cards: Some have said ........ but I couldn't' possibly comment on that.