Friday, October 03, 2014

Sexual Identity

A British citizen, Chelsea (formally Matthew) Attonley, who was born a man and then had his sex changed at his government’s expense seven years ago (costing 10,000 quid), now wants the government to change her back into a man (costing 14,000 quid) … see: Breitbart Story.

I hope the British Health Service was prescience enough to preserve his junk back in 2007.

And on a related note, Middlebury College now has opted to allow students to chose the pronoun by which they preferred to be called … see: Powerline Story . The official choices are: “him, her, them, etc.” Now I can understand the first two options … but “them” and “etc.” … what could these be? Middlebury College, please elaborate and fill us in on what other mischief you Vermont liberals have been up to.

Afterward: My wife suggested that they might have included "it" as an option ... which probably will be the choice of that British dude after her next operation.

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