Sunday, October 12, 2014

Killing Two Birds

Botox Boy, John Kerry, has pledged $212 million of borrowed Chinese money to help rebuild the Gaza Strip after this summer's demi-war with Israel. Obviously this aid has no strings attached ... see: Fox News Story. Why would it? We've been in Mahmoud Abbas's back pocket for all of Obama's term of inaction.

What then should we do? How about making this donation contingent upon the Palestinian Authority's (PA's) acceptance of Egypt's generous offer of a wide swath of the Sinai to expand Gaza's breathing room ... see: The Impossible Dream. The current concentration-camp atmosphere in Gaza is what is causing most of the problems there ... obviously on purpose. Clearly fixing this space problem is the most critical issue that needs addressing ... and could easily usher in the desired two-state solution.

Therefore, making the PA's acceptance of this Egyptian offer a prerequisite of our giving it $212 million of rebuilding aid would be killing two birds with one stone.

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