Thursday, October 16, 2014

Good Job, Tommy

"Good job, Brownie"
George W. Bush complimenting the then FEMA Director “Brownie” (Michael Brown) after the hurricane Katrina was not one of Bush’s finest moments … even though Brownie certainly shared blame for that poor New Orleans disaster response with the governor of Louisiana (Kathleen Blanco) and the Mayor of the city (Ray Nagin, who is now in prison for corruption).

Now President Obama is covering this Bush moment with his support for his Director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden. Tommy exuded an air of confidence and his sonorous voice reinforced this demeanor during his early handling of the Ebola crisis. However, his string of failed assurances, poor administrative talents, and his flawed logic (see: Logic is Logic) has led me to conclude that he must have inhaled too much chloroform during his medical school days.

This opinion on my part was reinforced today when I discovered that he was for 7 years Mayor Bloomberg’s Commissioner of Public Health in New York City … see: Wikipedia Entry. If you recall, it was during this period that the city forced chain restaurants to list the caloric content of all their dishes; installed draconian increases in cigarette taxes; tried to ban all soft drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces, eliminate trans-fats in restaurant meals, and salt shakers from their tables.

Now I suppose that these nanny-state strictures are hailed by liberals, but, to me, they indicate that the doctor is a political animal before he is an administrator … just like our president. Leading from behind in this Ebola crisis is a dangerous stratagem … as we are daily finding out.

Afterward: The U.S. is still issuing 100 or so visas a day to people from the three West-African nations which are the centers of the Ebola outbreak ... see: Daily Signal Story. "Even better job, Tommy!"

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