Saturday, October 04, 2014

A Promise Kept

President Obama is not a man that keeps his word … usually. However there is one promise that he made that is coming true … to have electricity rates skyrocket … see: The Free Beacon Story.

Through a combination of his Environmental Protection Agency’s new restrictions on coal-fired power plants and his administration's bureaucratic foot dragging in approving new natural-gas pipelines serving the northeast United States, monthly electricity rates in New England are about to soar 37% in just one year … see: The Boston Herald Story.

And, if you wish to see absolutely nonsensical reporting on this same issue from the liberal media, wade your way through the following set of non-sequiturs: US News Story. Electricity rates are going up because natural gas prices are going down! Come on! Can a lefty reporter get himself more twisted into an illogical pretzel in defending the Obama administration?

Our current set of dreamy Democrat dunderheads decry the country’s lack of infrastructure … then do all that they can to stifle its construction … see: Forbes Story.  Thank you Senator Elizabeth Warren, champion of those of us "getting hammered" by your lame-brained logic.

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