Thursday, September 18, 2014

Where is WHO?

Let’s give him credit … President Obama has instituted a magnanimous humanitarian effort in West Africa by sending 3,000 U.S. troops there (Liberia mostly) to help combat a growing Ebola epidemic through restoring order and the construction of 17 Ebola treatment centers … see: Yahoo Story. This apparently is motivated in part by the reticence of rest of the world to step up in force to this crisis. There used to be an old expression, “Let George do it.” Now it is, “Let the U.S. do it.” Where are the prosperous nations of Europe … Germany, Sweden, Norway, Great Britain, France? Where are the U.N. and the World Health Organization (WHO)?

WHO’s budget this year is about $4 billion … see: Wikipedia Entry . Where is WHO in this crisis? And what about the blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers whose budget this year is about $8.6 billion of which the United States pays 28% … see: Reuters Article … where are they? Apparently, according to the UN, its peacekeepers are not trained to fight Ebola. Are the U.S. troops any better equipped?

To borrow an expression from my old days in the construction industry … the UN and WHO are about as useful as tits on a bull.

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