Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Webb Master

The former Senator from Virginia and Viet Nam veteran, Jim Webb, is toying with the idea of running for president in 2016 as the anti-war candidate on the Democrat ticket. I still believe that Hillary won’t run and, if the war against ISIS is going badly by then … almost a certainty, given the fecklessness of our Commander-in-Chief, Obama … Webb might just have a shot at the Democrat nomination. To read a lot of the back-and forth about his possible dovish candidacy … with lots of quotes from him and third parties … see: The Washington Post Article. (You might also note that the Post has already subtly taken sides in this imagined dog-fight.)

But Hillary does have one ardent supporter … Don Imus. The other morning on his Fox Business show he said that, because of the growing ISIS threat, he was going to support Hillary. He added, “if the Clinton's are willing to kill their friends, they certainly would be willing kill those ISIS dudes.”


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