Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Worm Turns

Now even that old reliable pool of Obama stenographers, the New York Times, is turning on the president ... see: New York Times Article. Peter Baker pulls few punches in this critique of our fearless leader. I am stunned that I can agree with most of what this Times op-ed article says.

But one thing Baker leaves out ... and this may be Obama's most grievous sin ... and that is that he, for purely political reasons, staged a multi-year "surge" in Afghanistan, gave the enemy our time-line for departure, and callously forced our troops there to sit on their hands (with highly restrictive rules of engagement) and thus get slaughtered for no benefit. And so our fearless leader is making the same mistake in Afghanistan that it is now obvious that he made in Iraq. ... no plan B ... actually no plan A either.

Will Afghanistan be ISIS's next conquest?

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