Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Pause That Refreshes

Sorry that I am spending so many words on this climate change hoopla ... but even climate "scientist" are now conceding that we have had a multi-year "pause" in global warming ... see: Watts Up With That? Interestingly even the word "pause" suggests (obviously on purpose) that things will start warming up again ... particularly since there has been no pause in increases in CO2 levels (however small).

Skeptic that I am, I am forced to ask, "How do we know this?" If we don't know why things didn't keep warming, why would we assume that, after the pause, global temperatures will continue going up? Might we be at an inflection point when things will start going down again? If there have been other forces that have counteracted the possible warming effects of increased carbon dioxide, why may not these same forces become dominate ... leading us eventually down into another ice age?

Just a thought ...

1 comment:

  1. Suddenly I have a yen for an ice cold coke.
