Saturday, September 27, 2014

Poo Poo

I’ve had my full share of poo-poo-ers in life. 
“I don’t think that it’s safe to travel to Egypt at this time.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “I think that George W. Bush is wrong about Putin.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Wind and solar energy will never supply our needs.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “I don't think many Muslims reject violence.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Obamacare is a travesty.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Mexico may not be the best place to retire to just now.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “There seems to be widespread voter fraud.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Illegal immigrants are drawn here because of easy welfare.” “Poo Poo.” 
 "There really were WMDs in Iraq before the invasion.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Carbon dioxide is fundamentally a good gas.” “Poo Poo. 
 “Hillary Clinton has animus toward Israel.” “Poo Poo. 
“President Obama often shows disdain for capitalism.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Late-term abortions are clearly infanticide.” “Poo Poo.” 
 “Our welfare system has destroyed the American family.” “Poo Poo.”
 Actually, I think my batting average is at least as high as Derek Jeeter's

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