Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Next Attorney General

Since Eric Holder has announced his departure from this post, there has been great speculation as to whom President Obama might name to replace him. Such names as Deval Patrick, current Governor of Massachusetts, have popped up … even though he strenuously denies that he is in the running. That being the case, I would like to offer my suggestions as to who it might be. How about?

      -        Lani Guinier – lawyer, rejected nominee to the Supreme Court

-        Bill Ayers – former Barack Obama neighbor, often needing a lawyer

-        George Clooney – played a lawyer in “Intolerable Cruelty”

-        Bill Clinton – disbarred lawyer for lying under oath

-        Lynne Stewart – The Blind Sheikh’s lawyer, convicted of abetting terrorism

-        Michelle Obama – former lawyer and famed nutritionist

-        Eliot Spitzer – roue, lawyer and former governor of New York

-        Anthony Weiner – out-of-work protégée of the lawyer, Charles Schumer

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