Monday, September 08, 2014

No Ads

Kind readers, you may have noticed that this blog has no advertising. This is on purpose. Early on (in 2006) I did allow Google to insert its hucksterisms into this blog, but then it started offering only public service ads … and then nothing. I think this was because I must have clicked on my own blog’s ad (horrors!) and some geek at Google thought I was trying to hype my own advertising income. I wasn’t and, as it turns out, I have never received one penny of pelf from the Blogspot people.

Later on, after this blog’s readership increased ten-fold and then one hundred-fold, the Blogspot-ers had a change of heart and offered incentives for me to return to Mad-Men land. I thought it over and decided, “No thanks. Why should I clutter up my feeble attempts to shed a little light on world matters with ads for hemorrhoid creams or mortgage refinancings?" So you now read these posts free of any commercialism and it shall remain so for as long as I can type this tripe.

And thank you for your readership.

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