Monday, September 22, 2014


Here follows a series of on-the-street interviews with the yo-yos marching at the climate protests in New York City this past weekend ... see: Powerline Blog ... watch the video ... it's priceless!. I say "damn" because I would have loved to have this interviewer ask the following question, "What percent of our Earth's atmosphere now is carbon dioxide?" I am certain that the answers would reflect the hysteria that these useful idiots are experiencing. I sincerely believe that most of them would have suggested well over 10% ,.. but nothing like 1%. However, you who read this blog religiously would know that the actual number is much less than 1/10 of 1%. In fact the actual number is 0.04% (see: Wilipedia Entry) ... and this fraction has only grown by 0.0065 percentage points over the last 34 years (see: Answers' Answer)! 300 million years ago (during the Carboniferous Period) carbon dioxide was over ten times as prevalent as it is today ... yet the world survived then very nicely thank you.

I might have even had this interviewer instead ask the question as to what the percentage of carbon monoxide is in our atmosphere ... as I am also reasonably sure that most of these self-defined saviours of our planet would not know the difference. The term "useful idiots" was well chosen by Lenin.

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