Thursday, September 04, 2014

Air Pollution

I have long read that the major source of new carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere is not humans but natural sources such as volcanoes, the out-gassing of oceans, etc. In fact here is a reference that estimates man’s total current contribution to new CO2 emissions at around 4% … see: Climate Depot Study/.

And scare photos, which are often used to shame us humans about our profligate pollution practices, are the spewing smokestacks of coal-fueled power plants. I invite you dear readers to compare the worst of these photos … in fact the sum total of all that you can summon up on Google Images … with the one satellite image above of a spewing volcano (found on reddit). And this is but one of 50-70 volcanoes that are currently active (this year) and spewing goodly amounts of carbon and sulfur into our atmosphere … see: Volcano Discovery Estimates.

As in many other things in life, reliable data goes a long way toward keeping a level head about the current hysterical arm-waving about global warming (aka, climate change).

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