Monday, August 11, 2014

The Worm Turns

Hillary Clinton must be reading the latest polls … for she is now taking some astounding positions that are diametrically opposed to what she espoused just nine months ago. After being President Obama’s lap dog for four years, she is now growling, baring her teeth and is nipping at his heels. She has recently given an interview to Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic Magazine in which she did a wormy one-eighty from many positions she enthusiastically backed while she was Secretary of State. Now she conveniently states:

- President Obama was mistaken in not helping those opposing Assad in Syria early in the revolution there. (Lest we forget Hillary … and John Kerry … were big supporters of Assad back in 2009 when the United States re-established diplomatic relations with Syria.)

- The United States needs to formulate a “cold war” against jihadism. (Is and was not the Muslim Brotherhood in the vanguard of the jihadist movement … this same Brotherhood whom both she and President Obama did their level best to grease its way into running Egypt.)

- The United States needs an overarching strategy to defeat the radical Muslim movement … one that is clearly now lacking. President Obama’s doctrine of, “Don’t do stupid shit” is not a strategy. (What, pray tell, did she do to help formulate an overarching strategy?)

- Israel is in the right when it represses Hamas … even if this means that innocent civilians must die in the crossfire. (During her time running the State Department … and before ... Hillary has clearly hated Israel and loyally backed Obama in his callous and hostile stance toward this vulnerable nation.)

- Iran has no right to enrich uranium. (Good God, what a hypocrite!)

To see the much fuller context of these Hillary Clinton comments, read Paul Mirengoff’s excellent blog posting … see: Powerline Blog . I highly recommend it.

Hillary Clinton, the woman who may want to be our Worm in Chief, not only lacks a moral compass, she also is missing a tiller, rudder and sextant.

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