Sunday, August 03, 2014

The Real Hillary

A Retrofitted Hillary
They say you can judge a person’s character by how people subservient to this person are treated … those who cannot respond to abuse.  The following squib reminded me of such behavior … and contains the following quote:
As bad as it sounds, Kessler points out that there is one detail that [Secret Service] agents despise even more than having to view Biden in his birthday suit. That would be having to protect former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 
Here is the source of the quote: Breitbart Squib

And here is the memory that this quote engendered … many years ago a high-level White House insider during the early years of the Bill Clinton presidency related the following incident to my wife and myself. Apparently one quiet Sunday morning Hillary and Bill were being driven to church by the Secret Service in the presidential limo. The poor agent driver (one asked to take a bullet for her) made a wrong turn and, during the time it took for him to correct this miscue, he was assailed by the First Lady with a stream of invective that would have embarrassed a longshoreman. It was also the case that much of the staff serving Hillary in the White House would cower in their offices if it was known that Hillary was on her way down the hall. (Perhaps, in Hillary's case, the "lady" part of First Lady needed some rethinking.)

I have also heard very flattering things said about Hillary from her peers … those who could possibly benefit her. But I wonder, if she runs for president, more such stories of how she mistreats those beneath her will be reported?

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