Friday, August 08, 2014

Barn Doors

I read that President Obama has finally decided to provide some humanitarian assistance to those Kurds besieged by ISIS in Iraq and that he is also considering an air campaign to attack some of the key ISIS strongholds … see: New York Times Story.

Meanwhile the Iraqi Kurds are pleading for the United States to send them weapons and ammunition … it appears to limited and belated avail. This presidential action is in the same vein as my previous post noting Obama’s (mis)management style of perpetually being a day late and a dollar short (see: Punctuality). Our fearless leader has once again closed the barn doors after all the horses have escaped (sorry about all these trite chestnuts.)

I am reminded of the 1944 incident in Poland when the Polish resistance, seeing the Russian army on the outskirts of Warsaw, rose up and attacked the occupying Germans. Stalin held back his forces for 63 days until the Germans had crushed this Polish resistance movement (see: Warsaw Uprising) … making his job of subduing Poland after the war that much easier. 

Is our fearless leader this ruthless and calculating?

It is chilling to so imagine …

Afterward: I am perplexed ... if we can wage drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, why have we been reticent to do the same in Syria and the ISIS controlled regions of Iraq? Yes, we did drop a couple of 500 pound bombs there today, but I am suspicious that this was mere tokenism. We'll see if Obama has the cojones to continue this kind of punishment. After all, how can he then keep blaming Bush for what is going wrong there?

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