Monday, July 07, 2014

The Wrong Target

Unfortunately, the many protests against the massive influx of illegal immigrant "children" in the southwest United States have chosen the wrong target ... clearly the hope of the Obama administration. Its orchestrated attempt to use immigration as a way of negating its scandalous behavior in most other quadrants of its governance seems to be working. The optics of angry protesters turning back busloads of these political pawns can do nothing but reinforce a Latino backlash against Republican candidates at the polls in November ... chuckle, chuckle ... see: Washington Times Story ... even though some of these protester may be Democrats.

The real target of these riled-up citizens should be the Obama administration itself. Why not send massive demonstrators in front of the White House ... or to the country clubs where our fearless leader is focusing on world problems? I can suggest a few of the picketers' signs: :"Mr President, Do your f-ing job!", "Are we just another banana republic?", "Would you put your daughters through this kind of hell?", "Do you know what 'faithfully execute the laws' means?", etc.

Then these protesters might suddenly not be the lede segments in the nightly TV network news programs ...

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