Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Rush Limbaugh has espoused that peace will not be achieved in the Israeli-Palestinian (or any) conflict until one side wins … and wins decisively. I agree. The reason why this belligerency seems interminable is that as soon as Israel achieves a limited tactical advantage, the world rises up in banner-headline protests (I wonder why this is), and Israel withdraws to await the next Hamas (or whomever’s) onslaught.

Already we see the negative press surrounding Israel’s attempt to stop the rocket and mortar barrages from the Gaza strip. Our Secretary of State, John Kerry, reflects this administration’s private cynicism over Israel’s incursions into Gaza (“pinpricks?”) … even while tepidly endorsing Netanyahu’s efforts.

To establish a lasting peace in this region, Israel must destroy Hamas, kill all its leaders, destroy all its weaponry, collapse all its tunnels, and severely punish all its warriors and fifth column. Anything else means that this charade will re-occur and re-occur until such time as those who want to destroy Israel finally achieve their goal. Then perhaps the liberal left in this country and in Europe will fall silent … and happily declare peace.

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