Tuesday, July 01, 2014


Yes, I know the difference between weather and climate … even if many in the media and politics don’t. And yes, last night’s heat and the last winter’s brutal cold weather here in Boston mean nothing in the broad sweep of “climate change.” But there are a few data points that give us a hint as to what really is occurring. First, one of the Obama administration's chief global-warming propaganda outlets, NOAA (the other being NASA), has quietly conceded that July, 1936 was the hottest one on record here in the U.S (remember the dust bowl?) … and not July, 2012 … see: Daily Caller Story. And please note, 1936 was before the supposed spike in CO2 levels.

The second interesting data point is that Antarctic sea ice has just reached a record expanse (even if the news media and our fearless leader would have you believe otherwise) … and winter has just begun in the southern hemisphere … see: Watts Up With That Revelation.

But don’t look to the front pages of the New York Times for this information. The stenographers there are too busy copying the White House talking points to consider such news "fit to print.”

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