Saturday, July 19, 2014

Foot Dragging

Iran, as predicted, has not reached the promised agreement with the United States, et al over the dismantling of Iran’s nuclear capabilities … and the clock runs out tomorrow on these negotiations. Over six months ago I and many others were quite skeptical about these pie-in-the-sky arrangements … see: Batty. The United States then gave up many economic sanctions that were beginning to bite on Iran for what? Just for Iran’s coming to the negotiation table with its predictable pathetic stalling tactics. Calling Secretary of State, John Kerry, and the Obama administration fools is perhaps too kind. We had given up the little leverage we had with Iran for this will-o-the-wisp … just as we have done repeatedly in the past … see: Commentary Magazine Story.

Now, Russia, because it now has its tit in a ringer over the Ukraine fiasco, has threatened to scuttle any hopes for these negotiations … as though they were really any hopes to begin with. So now, the United States is likely to paper over our embarrassment by extending the deadline on these pointless talks until such time as Iran announces that it has the bomb … or bombs. And we will keep dragging our own feet … pretending that we are doing everything possible to stop this Mideast nuclear madness.

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